As a service to you, Dr Vuillermin would like to provide the following estimates of the possible costs you might incur for your telehealth consultation/s. You can discuss these costs with your doctor or doctor’s staff to be sure you understand. You will be liable for any costs not covered by Medicare (out-of-pocket). Please note that this is an estimate only of the fees charged by Dr Peter Vuillermin.

Due to increased running costs and overheads which have not been matched by increases in the Medicare rebates provided by the Government, the Doctors are phasing out Bulk bills to ensure the Practice can continue to provide a service. Bulk billing will be phased out by 2024.
If Dr Vuillermin feels it is appropriate, he may decide to bulk bill the consultation and use one of the above item numbers. This means with patient/your consent, one of the Medicare Benefits (above) will be assigned directly to the provider (Dr Peter Vuillermin), with NO out-of-pocket cost.
Some families may be eligible for a reduced out-of-pocket (gap), i.e. families that hold a current and valid pension card that is presented to reception each visit, and patients/families with specific individual circumstances that have been discussed with the paediatrician.
For families needing referral to services for continued care with no out-of-pocket cost and discussion about care arrangements in the interim. Please speak to your Paediatrician during your appointment.
· If you require any further information regarding your appointment or guidance on how to access the Telehealth system, please call our friendly reception staff on 5222 2222.
Agreement and Consent:
I agree to the appointment being undertaken by telehealth and understand and agree to assign the Medicare Benefit Directly to Dr Peter Vuillermin, and understand that I am able to phone/email the practice for further information and assistance and request a copy of this information at any time
I/we understand and have read the above information and wish to continue with the appointment.